Montana Morning State News Headlines for Wednesday, September 1
Governor and DPHHS issue emergency rule for school boards to allow parents to have their children opt out of wearing masks in class.
MCPS Superintendent Rob Watson responds by stating there are already medical opt out options, and refused to comply with the new emergency rule, stating that students must wear masks in class.
UM spokesman says the residence halls are full to capacity as the new fall semester gets underway with masking indoors, but no vaccination requirement.
Hazy sunshine and a bit cooler in western Montana today, with highs in the low 70's.
RANKED: Here are the most popular national parks
To determine the most popular national parks in the United States, Stacker compiled data from the National Park Service on the number of recreational visits each site had in 2020. Keep reading to discover the 50 most popular national parks in the United States, in reverse order from #50 to #1. And be sure to check with individuals parks before you visit to find out about ongoing, pandemic-related safety precautions at