Montana Governor Touts ‘Historic Tax Relief Package’ and Rebates
Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - Montana Governor Greg Gianforte held a press conference on Thursday morning as the state legislature began wrapping up the first half of their session, commonly called transmittal day on Friday.
Governor Gianforte was Celebrating at a Press Conference
Gianforte celebrated the passage of one of his legislative goals, what he calls the largest tax cut in state history.
“Since the legislature came in, I've been calling on legislators to deliver Montanans tax relief without delay,” said Gianforte. “That's why today I'm thrilled to report that our historic tax relief package is on its way to my desk. Thanks to the hard work of our office, including the Budget Office, and the legislators and now, we now have a historic tax relief package, providing Montanans the largest tax cut in state history.”
Gianforte said he Promised Rebates and Tax Cuts and he has Delivered
Gianforte said the relief will come in two separate packages; rebates and tax cuts.
“That's why we're putting money back in Montanans pockets through immediate rebates and permanent long term tax relief,” he said. “The historic tax cuts we proposed will not only help hardworking families and small business owners keep more of what they earn, but they will also help create more good paying jobs, grow our economy, and help more Montanans achieve the American dream.”
The governor added one of his trademark promises before the legislative session began, making the state debt free in 2023.
“First, we're going to save for the unexpected and prepare for emergencies, like a national economic downturn or wildfires,” he said. “Second, we're going to pay off our debt. Thanks to Representative Lew Jones's bill, we're paying off all of our general obligation debt, so that Montana will be ‘debt free in 23’, thus saving Montanans $40 million over the next two years in principal and interest payments.”
Gianforte said he Hopes More of his Goals are Accomplished in the Second Half
Gianforte said the other goals of his administration will have to wait till the second half of the session.
“The rest of our budget is before the legislature, like our plan to fix our broken state run facilities, especially our State Hospital and State Prison that have fallen into disrepair over the prior decades,” he said. “In addition, there’s our plan to expand water and sewer infrastructure to increase housing capacity, also known as our proposed ‘Homes Program’.”
Transmittal day, the halfway point of the session begins on Friday, March 3.