New census data shows that Montana has gotten grayer.

The 2010 demographic data released Thursday shows Montana has 28,996 fewer adults under 45 than in 2000. That's a drop of more than 3 percent, with young adults now making up just 23.8 percent of the state's population.

Meanwhile, the number of residents older than 55 increased by 79,532 people. They now make up 29 percent of the population, compared to 22.8 percent in 2000.

The biggest increase came in the number of people between 55 and 64, a segment that jumped from 9.4 percent of the population to 14.1 percent.

The 2010 data shows the median age of Montana residents was 39.8. That's more than two years older than the median age reported in 2000.

Montana's overall population is 989,415.
Story from The Associated Press

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