Montana Attorney General Celebrates ‘Waters Of U.S.’ Ruling By EPA
On Tuesday, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that his agency was rescinding the 'Waters of the U.S'. rule, an announcement that was cheered by many in Montana.
Attorney General Tim Fox joined the chorus of supporters for the decision.
“As one of the primary legal challengers to WOTUS, I’m happy to say the decision to rescind this unlawful rule is a victory for all Americans, and is particularly good news for rural states like Montana,” said Fox. “We all want a clean and healthy environment, but the WOTUS rule wasn’t about environmental protection—it was about control. I’m pleased to see the new administration respects the role states play in protecting our environment, and I look forward to doing my part to ensure future generations can enjoy Montana’s outdoor treasures.”
Fox said he was one of many states' attorneys general who took the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court.
"A number of attorneys general filed suit to enjoin the federal government from implementing the rule," he said. "This was based on the fact that the federal government had overstepped its bounds and basically was trying to create law through the rule-making process."
Fox applauded both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers for the decision.