Moms Demand Action Holds Rally at Carousel for Missoula
The Missoula Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense held a rally in Caras Park at the Carousel for Missoula to draw attention to the many that have been killed in Missoula and Montana through gun violence.
Missoula Lead for Moms Demand Action, Dannette Fadness explained why the entire carousel had been wrapped in the color orange.
“The Carousel has turned orange to bring attention to the topic of proper gun storage,” said Fadness. “That means being smart and making sure guns are stored unloaded, locked and out of reach and sight of little people to keep them safe, and also asking before you send them over to someone else’s home to make sure any firearms they may have would also be stored safely.”
Mayor John Engen spoke at the event.
“What you’ll hear today are stories of senselessness, such as what happens when we can’t engage in common sense regulations around a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous weapon,” said Engen. “We can do this with common sense and reasonableness, the way it’s been done in so many other countries around the world.”
Also speaking at the event was Marly Scolatti, a high school senior set to graduate from high school later in the day.
“When I was 14 years old my world was turned upside down by a single headline,” said Scolatti. “Two dead and one injured in Brooks Street shooting. Under that there was a picture of my house. That day, my father shot my mother and uncle and then himself. My dad was my best friend in the world and I couldn’t understand how he had done this. What else I still can’t understand is how he got a gun. He was my best friend and my father, and I knew he should not be in possession of any firearm.”
Scolatti, who attended the rally with her younger sister, recited the names of several young people who had been killed by guns over the last few months, and ended with this plea.
“Communities have been screaming for change for years and years but have always been ignored,” she said. “I’m here to protect the lives of everyone no matter their race, religion, income, gender, sexuality or political beliefs. Because you’ve all showed up today, I know you are, too. I know you are willing to march and write and call your representatives and register to vote. I know you’re ready to effect change, and I know we can effect change, because the power of the people is stronger than the people with power,” followed by cheers from the crowd at the Carousel.
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