Missoula’s Violent Crimes are Down More Than 15% Over the Last Five Months
The Missoula County Attorney’s Office filed 14 new criminal complaints this week. County Attorney Kirsten Pabst says five of those were violent crimes and most of them involved crimes against family members.
“We charged an assault on a minor case in which a babysitter injured a 5-year-old child,” Pabst said. “There were two partner or family member assaults. There was an assault with a weapon with two additional PFMA’s. There was one violent crime that fell in the non-family category. That was an attempted robbery and an assault with a weapon.”
There were several violent crimes this week, but Pabst says overall numbers appear to be down.
“Our Project Safe Neighborhood’s number crunching for the last quarter came in and although I haven’t yet seen the detailed spreadsheet, I hear again that violent crime is down in Missoula County more than 15% over the last five months,” Pabst said.
According to Pabst, they charged three endangerment crimes. One was criminal endangerment that involved driving under the influence.
“In that particular case, numerous peopled called 911 to report that the defendant’s vehicle was swerving on I-90, speeding, slowing down, then speeding again and slowing down again,” Pabst said. “The defendant eventually pulled over and then started vomiting. When police arrived, they arrested him.”
Pabst says several property crimes occurred this week as well, including one embezzlement case and two burglary cases. Finally, there was one drug case involving child endangerment. In that particular case, meth was allegedly within inches of an infant’s bottle.