Missoula County Needs YOUR Help
Missoula County has several projects on its agenda this summer and they are looking for the public's input on almost all of them.
The county's social media pages have posted numerous times over the last few weeks about each of their projects, so I thought it would be a good idea to do a refresher course on how you can make your voice heard.
Here are some of the more important subjects you can provide input and links to do so.
Missoula County Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
A lot goes into a county budget because the County provides a lot of services. 9-1-1 dispatchers, pothole fillings, election processes, wildfire or flood responses, clean up of hazardous spills, etc. Since those services are funded by taxpayer money, for the most part, Missoula County residents are asked to give their input on the makeup of the budget. Missoulacountyvoice.com lists "their preliminary budget hearing at 2 p.m Thursday, Sept. 7." and "the final budget hearing at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7."
The County is asking for your attendance on both dates at the Missoula County Courthouse. Community members can also join online.
Some things to consider according to missoulacountyvoice.com include property taxes, thoughts on services and how they are funded, and "your top values and priorities that you would like to see the County focus more on. (i.e., health, safety, accessibility, sustainability, etc.)"
Meeting information can be found here.
Speaking of Safety in Missoula County...
The County is conducting a "Redefining Community Safety survey." It's the next step in a greater safety project and "will be used to develop new ways to define and measure public safety that reflect the voices of a broad range of individuals living or working in Missoula County."
Folks have until July 15 to fill out the survey located here.

Zoning Regulation Maintenance
After last year's Missoula County Zoning Regulations, the County is asking for input on issues around the regulations.
"These routine maintenance updates do not amend policy but provide clarity to sections of the regulations that may have led to confusion when administering the regulations or led to issues that were not intended as part of the original intent of the regulations."
There is a planning board meeting 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 11, and a meeting with the public Thursday, Aug. 3 at 2 p.m.
Questions or comments can be submitted here
Other Missoula County Projects (Links included)
- Sha-Ron Parking Access
- Lands Inventory, Assessment and Strategic Plan
- West Riverside Infrastructure (Due June 29)
- Bear Buffer Zone Expansion
Ok, my hands are becoming sore typing out all the links. Find the rest of the projects at missoulacountyvoice.com
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