On December 19th, 2018 on I-90 in Mineral County, five semi trucks crashed on an icy bridge where one driver was killed, another died after leaping off a bridge to avoid and oncoming truck and a Frenchtown firefighter was badly injured after falling off a frozen bridge deck.

On Monday, Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Terry Rosenbaum presented Missoula County Sheriff T.J. McDermott with a plaque honoring the department for its assistance in responding to the crash.


“At approximately five o’clock in the morning at around mile marker 57 on I-90, there was a five commercial motor vehicle crash with one fatality,” said Rosenbaum. “Each one of these crashes was separate, but they all happened within a short period of time. This crash ended up blocking both the eastbound and westbound lanes of traffic at that spot. The westbound lanes were reopened several hours later, but the eastbound lanes were blocked for approximately 20 to 24 hours.”

Rosenbaum said numerous first responders quickly arrived at the scene to provide assistance.

“Along with the Mineral County Sheriff’s Department, EMT’s and the Volunteer Fire Departments of Mineral County and Frenchtown Fire, the Missoula County Sheriff’s Department took it upon themselves to come out and assist us in this extraordinary event that took place,” he said. “With that, the Montana Highway Patrol would like to present them with this plaque of appreciation for this event that took place.”

Missoula County Sheriff T.J. McDermott said the cooperation between county, state and federal agencies has been outstanding.

“Time and time again, whether it’s a shooting or a robbery, a vehicle crash or a pursuit, an apprehension of a violent fugitive, our agencies come together and protect the public and do outstanding work for public safety,” he said. “So, we really appreciate this plaque and accept on behalf of all the work being done by our deputies, so thank you.”


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