Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On July 4, 2026, the United States will celebrate quite an anniversary; the United States Semiquincentennial, meaning the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and the UM Mansfield Center is right in the middle of those anniversary plans.

On Tuesday’s Talk Back show, we spoke with Chris Averill, who serves on the Montana 250th Commission, along with America 250 Chairperson Rosie Rios, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, about the upcoming national celebration.

Former Treasury Secretary Rosie Rios Was On Talk Back for America 250

“I'm a big fan of Montana,” began Rios. “In fact, my sister-in-law lives there in Missoula. I am the chair of America 250. This is a national non-partisan organization that's been charged by Congress to orchestrate the most inspiring and inclusive commemoration for the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2026.”

Rios said America 250 will celebrate both America’s past and future.

“This isn't just about celebrating our past, it's also about thinking about our future,” she said. “We want Americans from all backgrounds to reflect on their American story, their thoughts on their past, and their hopes and dreams for the future. So we have a whole slew of great grant programming already underway. We're working closely with our state commissions, of course, and we're thrilled to share more information.”

Chris Averill Said the Montana Legislature Has Established a Commission

Averill said the Montana Legislature has already paved the way for the celebration.

“Last year, the legislature passed a bill, HB (House Bill) 377, and that established our 11-member commission,” said Averill. “We have members from across society that are part of this. We have the tribal representative. We have educators. We have historical history professionals and folks like Molly who work in museums and the tourist experience.”

Averill said the effort is just beginning to help the Montana 250th Commission to share with the rest of the country.

America 250 Will Bring the Country Together Again

“What we all bring to the table is a passion for both celebrating our history and commemorating the events of 1776,” he said. “Rosie also mentioned finding ways to incorporate every Montanan into this event that's going to be happening really over the next two years.”

Rios quipped that as the former Secretary of the Treasury, we should all have something with her signature in our wallets and purses.

"Yes, I am on about $1.8 trillion of US currency worldwide, out of the about $2.2 trillion in circulation. So I should be with you all the time. That's for sure," she said.

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