Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On June 13, 2024, Missoula County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were called to a residence on Ashlyn Dr in Frenchtown to assist probation in the arrest of 40-year-old Chad Johnston on his $50,000 warrant. Deputies were told via radio that a probation officer had been bitten by Johnston’s dog, and Johnston then locked himself inside his home. While deputies were en route, they were informed that Johnston had run out of the house. It was unknown if he had returned to the residence or was out on foot in the neighborhood.  

A deputy was informed that Johnston had been placed in handcuffs and was arrested. While he was being searched, probation opened the door to Johnston’s house and the dog came out. The dog then bit one of the probation officers on the arm, puncturing the flesh and drawing blood and tissue. 

Johnston then used the distraction to get inside the house and lock the probation officers out. Johnston then left the residence out the back door. During this same time, Deputies were actively looking for Johnston. One deputy had been informed that Johnston was running towards Mullan Road. 

The deputy ran to the area and observed Johnston running towards him. Johnston then observed the deputy and continued to run. Several Officers and Deputies repeatedly yelled at Johnston to stop running and to comply with commands, but Johnston refused.

At one point, Johnston came to a fence he was unable to clear and he was apprehended. Johnston actively resisted being placed in handcuffs. After gaining physical control over Johnston, other officers arrived on scene to help place him in handcuffs. 

READ MORE: Missoula News – Crime Reports 

Additionally, while on scene, Deputies spoke with Jane Doe, who had called 911. Doe said Johnston knocked on her door, offered her $100 to come inside, and asked for a lighter. Doe observed the broken handcuffs on Johnston and fearing for her son, denied Johnston entry and shut the door. As she did so, Johnston tried to push the door open to enter the residence. Doe said she used all her body weight to close the door and lock it. 

Johnston is currently being charged with felony escape, felony attempted burglary, and resisting arrest.  

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable.  

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