The newly created Logjam Foundation, which is the charitable arm of Logjam Presents, has teamed up with Montana Trout Unlimited to form the Blackfoot River Fund. I had heard whispers of this and all around my fishy friends who love the Blackfoot were instantly excited but this stretches far beyond the waters of the Blackfoot but to the community and people that are around it.

Who doesn't love the new KettleHouse Amphitheater? We have such community minded, and creative souls who desire to ensure that this area is up-kept, expands and allows the families and community members to expand as well. Big shout out to my friends at Montana's Trout Unlimited for helping out too. They started back in the 60's and have done so much for the area as far trout habitats, education and so much more.

According to a press release from Logjam Presents : 

        About the Logjam Foundation. The newly formed Logjam Foundation has been created to serve as the charitable wing of Missoula-based entertainment company Logjam Presents. The mission of the Logjam Foundation is to cultivate and incubate arts and culture in the Missoula community. Additionally, the Logjam Foundation is committed to the sustainability of the community in which it operates. Logjam Presents appreciates the strong support of Missoulians for live music and that they work hard for the money required to support live music. As a result, Logjam feels it is important to reinvest proceeds earned from our concerts back into the community to incubate a strong arts culture and to help maintain a sustainable environment for Missoula.
      Role of the Logjam Foundation. The Logjam Foundation will 1) donate $1.00 dollar from each ticket sold to concerts at the KettleHouse Amphitheater, 2) contribute an amount equal to five percent of gross bar sales at the KettleHouse Amphitheater, 3) donate 100 percent of the profit from all Blackfoot River Fund merchandise and 4) provide interested concert goers the opportunity to give directly. It is the goal of the Logjam Foundation to raise over $100,000 during the 2018 summer concert season.

If you are like me and want to stay in the know on what is going on with the fund check this link out for the Blackfoot River Fund. So if you go to a concert at the KettleHouse remember you are also helping the Blackfoot River Fund as well. Pretty cool!


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