Livestock Losses Due to Wolves Doubles in 2016, Grizzly Predation Quintuples
Grizzly bear predation of Montana ranch animals has reached a new high after a record setting year in 2015. Montana Livestock Loss Board Director George Edwards explains.
"This year [grizzly bear predation numbers] are five times greater than they were last year, and last year was a record year," Edwards said. "According to Wildlife Services, they've already verified more grizzly losses this year than all of 2015, and we still have a half of a year to go."
Edwards says wolf predation is also way up.
"Our losses due to wolves, are actually double what they were last year as well," Edwards said.
So far this year, Montana ranchers have filed claims for the deaths of 46 animals, at a total of over $46,000. 23 of those deaths have been confirmed to be caused by predation, at the same time last year the number of predation kills was only 5.