The first vehicle  I bought at the age of 15 was  a stick. A little, D50 Dodge pickup that I took everywhere... anywhere... from downtown Missoula to the high school parties up Big Flat and beyond! Whether its the most unusual day as a teenager or a typical day at the office, who new you could learn so much from a stick! Jennifer puts a more mature twist on the lessons learned from driving a standard transmission but in the end, knowledge is knowledge.

Former Missoulian, Jennifer Winter, who now lives in Oakland writes for The Daily Muse. She writes enlightening yet intriging articles for the young, professional woman. I look forward to sharing her articles with you.

Last night, as I was navigating through rush-hour gridlock and mentally reviewing the events of the workday, a small car with two broken taillights suddenly darted in front of me. As I braked and down-shifted to avoid a collision, I couldn’t help but notice some parallels between my driving and my day in the office. To view the rest of the article click here  or visit

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