Missoula Co. Sherriff’s Cracking Down on Illegal Floating Parking
The heat is cranking up as we head into the hottest stretch of the summer in Missoula. This is a time where people start taking to the water. One of the most popular past times to keep cool is floating the rivers. It is a great way to cool down and spend a couple of hours with friends or family. The local rivers are going to be very busy the next few weeks. If you plan on floating the rivers you need to keep where you park your cars in mind.
Parking By the Rivers in Missoula is Not That Easy
The easiest way to get to and from the river these days is to use the University of Montana's free shuttle. If you choose not to use the shuttle, you will need to be aware of where you are parking your two vehicles.
Parking around Sha-Ron Can Cost You
Recently on Highway 200 in East Missoula at the Sha-Ron fishing access, they have increased the amount of parking spaces to try to accommodate for the amount of people that are floating the rivers and to keep the highway safe. Even with the increase in the parking lot, it can fill up fast. The Missoula County Sheriff's Office is trying to get the word out about the "no parking" areas around that fishing access. It is now illegal to park on Highway 200 between, Lerch Lane and Brickyard Lane and between Buttercup Lane and Highway 200. You can see the map below.
Parking in Missoula Can Cost You Too
Keep in mind where you are parking your "pick up" vehicle in Missoula too. There are a lot of downtown businesses that don't allow parking if you are not a customer. Cars can be ticketed or worse towed if parking illegally. I recently heard of a car that was parked illegally that was towed to the tune of over $200 to get the vehicle out of the impound lot.
Be Safe on the Missoula Rivers
Be safe if you plan on recreating on the area rivers. Also know with the upcoming heat planned the rivers are going to be very crowded. If you don't want to worry about the hassle of getting a parking ticket or getting a car towed, you can always choose to take advantage of Missoula's Water Parks. Whichever you choose, be safe, have fun and don't forget to hydrate.