In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, state Insurance Commissioner Monica Lindeen wants to remind Montanans that the month is for more than just wearing pink.

"I just think it's really important for women out there to know that the Affordable Care Act actually requires that all insurance that's sold in," Lindeen said, "And also a lot of other heath insurance plans actually cover 100 percent of the cost of preventative medicine and treatment, particularly those that will help identify breast cancer."

Lindeen said everything from mammograms to preventative medication are completely covered. Even if folks aren’t aware of any family history, Lindeen still encourages routine check-ups.

"Certainly for your own sake and for your family's sake, it doesn't cost you anything to go in and get the tests done," Lindeen said. "I would encourage every woman out there to take advantage of the fact that they can take care of this preventatively and hopefully, if there is anything found, that it's in its early stages and it can be treated."

Lindeen added that women receiving these services will pay no co-payment and will not be asked to pay for a portion of the cost of the procedure. She said this is true even if the woman has not met her yearly deductible.

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