Hundreds Of Missoula Volunteers Needed
The 2015 Montana State Speech & Debate Tournament is being held at Sentinel High School on January 30-31st. Right now the Missoula County Public Schools are trying to raise awareness about the event and reach out to the community for volunteers to judge as they are in need of lots of volunteers. You can help out by being a judge in this years tournament or just learn more about the event here.
There will be two informational judging clinics for interested volunteers on Monday January 26th and Wednesday January 28th. Both will be held at 6:30pm and will cover the same information. They are completely optional and not necessary to be a successful judge. Each round of judging takes about an hour and a half there will be lots of refreshments available for all volunteers.
The Missoula County Public Schools also wants to thank the Missoula community for being so supportive of the speech and debate programs in the past, and reminds you that these events wouldn't happen without this incredibly wonderful support.