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Horses at Hellgate High School Leaves Principal With a Handful

Missoula County Public Schools/Facebook
Missoula County Public Schools/Facebook

We recently reported on something that seems to be an annual event. Except for every year, it seems to catch us by surprise. I’m talking about the tradition for some Montana students to ride their horses to school on the last day of school. Why has this become an annual thing? Mostly because it allows students to use a century-old antiquated law to play a harmless prank on their principal.

Montana is a state with some very strange laws that are still on the books.

Did you know that it is illegal for women to go fishing alone on Sundays in Montana? How about the law that says you’re breaking the law in Montana if you have more than one alarm clock ringing simultaneously? There is even a steep penalty for anyone who leads sheep to a railroad track with the intent to harm a train. It could land you in jail for 5 years and a $50,000 penalty.

Another antiquated law on the books is that if a student rides their horse to school, it is the principal’s job to take care of the horse during the school day. Which means they are in charge of feeding, watering, and making the horse comfortable.

Just recently, a couple of Hellgate High School students decided to play a little prank on Principal Miller.

According to a post on the MCPS Facebook

Hellgate High School students Maggie Vann and Amelia Fogarty brought Sadie and Belle to school for Principal Miller to look after! Fortunately he’s up to the task, having grown up working on a horse and cattle farm.


Thanks for being a good sport, Principal Miller! Have a good summer!

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