Down by Only Seven Votes, Missoula Candidate Dick Haines Uncertain if Recount Will Happen
Right now, the Senate District 49 race between Democrat Diane Sands and Republican Dick Haines has been flagged by the Secretary of State as a race possibly in need of a recount. Haines is currently losing by seven votes, but seems to be thrilled things are as close as they are.
"I kind of get a kick out of it," Haines said. "I just didn't do much conventional campaigning, whereas my competition must have campaigned to beat the band. I kind of think that that is pretty neat (laughs). I'm chuckling about it. Win or lose, I am enjoying that part of it because I didn't have the time or the energy to go out and campaign like I have in the past, and yet I've come this close to winning."
Right now, candidates are waiting for all of the provisional ballots to be counted. If there is a recount, there are a few possible outcomes based on whether the race is tied (automatic recount), within the margin of 1/4 of one percent (county pays for recount after petition) or between the margin of 1/2 and 1/4 of one percent (losing candidate pays for recount after petition).
Haines says he will definitely ask for a recount if the county will pay for it, but says he hasn't decided if he would pay for a recount personally.
According to Missoula County Elections Administrator Rebecca Connors, the total cost of a recount is expected to be around four or five hundred dollars.