An epidemic is sweeping America causing drivers everywhere to black out for five seconds at a's called texting and driving. The KGVO News Team is pledging to:

* Not To Text And Drive ...because it makes me 23 times more likely to crash.

* Not To Text And drive.... because it's like driving after having four beers.

* Not To Text And drive.... because it's like taking my eyes off the road for an average of five seconds. At 55 MPH, it is like driving the length of a football field completly blind.

* Not To Text And drive.... because car crashes kill an average of eleven teens EVERY DAY.

* Not To Text And drive.... because distracted driving injuries 330,000 people every year.

* Not To Text And drive.... because texting and driving is dangerous and life threatening to me, others in my car and everyone else on the roads.

* Not To Text And drive.... because texting and driving ends and ruins lives everyday and I will NOT contibute to this growing epidemic.

Join us today and pledge NOT to Text And Drive!


I have chosen not to text and drive most importantly because of my family. I'm a mother of three beautiful children and would never put them in harms way. Texting Kills. Texting while driving puts their lives in danger everytime someone gets behind the wheel with a mobile phone, either myself or any other car on the road. No matter how good I think I can text and drive,  it is dangerous.

I've also have decided not to text and drive because I'm setting a good example for my teenager. My son will be driving this year and I want him to know that texting and driving kills teens everyday. It is my hope he will never text and drive when he gets behind the wheel for the first time this year.

Take the pledge with me and Never Text And Drive!

Jannette McDonald

I am pledging to never text and drive and I am encouraging you to do the same..


Although texting while being  behind the wheel may not seem like a big deal, every single time you send or read a text message you are placing your life and the lives of the drivers close to you at risk.  I have chosen not to text and drive because I care about my personal safety and the welfare of other  drivers on the road. Imagine how many lives that can be saved by simply putting down that phone and doing what you set out to do…arrive safely at your destination. My grandmother never sent a text in her life but she was aware of the dangers of texting and driving, thanks Oprah!! I remember getting a phone call from my grams begging me not to text and drive. I will do it for her and I will do it for the safety of all drivers wherever I may go.  The next time you get a text while you are driving, think to yourself … is it worth dying for or having to live with yourself after killing someone else?

Please take the pledge with me and put down that phone while you are driving.

Shande Wiest

Peter Christian Joins The Pledge..I Won't Text And Drive...Ever!


This is Peter Christian. Too many people have been seriously injured or have lost their lives because they just can't stop texting and driving. Please pick up one of our colorful thumb bands, pass them around to friends, and take the not text and drive..ever!

Thanks! Thumbs up...and good luck!!

Come into the office today and watch the video, sign the pledge and get your thumb band today!! 3250 South Reserve Street Ste. 200

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