By now, you've likely heard about the debate between teacher Tanya Dixon-Neely and her very vocal student Hunter Rogers. The debate, which was captured on a cell phone and uploaded to YouTube has already garnered over seven hundred thousand hits. The video doesn't show much more than the ceiling, but the audio would be concerning to almost any parent. In the clip, Dixon-Neely says that Obama shouldn't be criticized on the issue of bullying but Mitt Romney can because "he's running for President, Obama is the president . . . give him the respect that every other president is due." Rogers says "if you're going to talk trash about one side you've got to talk trash about the other." The source of the discussion appears to be a Fact of the Day posted on the teacher's chalkboard which says that Mitt Romney was a bully in high school. Check the clip out for yourself.


Here's a follow up interview with Hunter.

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