Gubernatorial candidate Tim Fox has reached out to the owners of Chick-fil-A restaurants to open a second location in the state, after some airports have refused to host the restaurants due to their donations to Christian organizations.

“We do have a Chick-fil-A in Kalispell, but Montana’s a big state and we have room for a lot more, even though Montana is beef country,” said Fox. “Today, I issued an invitation to Dan Cathey, the owner of the chain to bring more restaurants here, That was pretty much motivated by the shortsighted and even possibly illegal actions of some cities and towns as well as some universities that have acted to ban Chick-fil-A restaurants in their cities or campuses because of the CEO’s religious views, and of course that violates our constitutional rights and his as well.”

In San Antonio, Texas, a Chick-fil-A restaurant was eliminated from an airport expansion due to information in their income tax filings that the company had donated to anti-LGBTQ groups.

Fox said Montanans are better than to discriminate on the basis of a person’s religious beliefs.

“People just need to understand that we don’t discriminate against folks based on their religious views or anything else in Montana,” he said. “It was somewhat tongue in cheek, but certainly it’s a serious issue to allow people to express their religious views and not discriminate against them for those views. Ordinarily, it’s the state’s attorney general that handles issues like these. It’s certainly not something that has happened here in Montana that a Chick-fil-A restaurant has been banned because of the CEO’s religious beliefs, that’s something that we just don’t do in America.”




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