You may have heard about this on Friday's Montana Talks with Aaron Flint....

Did you know that Bigfork, Montana is home to a memorial honoring the American heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Benghazi, Libya? Coming up this Labor Day weekend in Bigfork, the 9-11 Honor and Serve Foundation will commemorate both the victims of the 9-11 terror attacks on the United States, as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice in Benghazi.

Here's the full details on Monday's memorial service and other events:

9-11 Honor and Serve Foundation to commemorate 9/11 with Memorial Service and Recognize First Responders of Flathead Valley

Bigfork, Montana – residents are invited to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by joining together to remember the sacrifices of the fallen and honoring them through recognizing the service of First Responders within our community. A 9/11 Memorial Tribute to remember the Fallen and the Heroes involved in the 2001 terrorist attacks which took place in the United States and the attack in 2012 Benghazi, Libya. Our foundation supports Honoring the fallen and the heroes through Service. Following the memorial event the Foundation will host a fundraiser dinner to support First Responders of Flathead Valley and further expansion of the 9/11 Memorial honoring the Four Americans who died in Benghazi Libya on September 11, 2012. The 9-11 Honor and Serve Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Your support is tax deductible.

WHO: Both events are sponsored by “9-11 Honor and Serve Foundation”

WHAT: Memorial Event and Recognition of First Responders serving the Flathead Valley are FREE TO THE PUBLIC

WHAT: Funder Raiser Dinner hosted following the memorial event - $35

WHERE: 150 Flathead Lodge Road, Bigfork, Montana

WHEN: LABOR DAY, Monday, September 3rd @ 2:00 pm WEBSITE:

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