Aaron Flint, the host of Montana's leading statewide radio talk show "Montana Talks," began his journey in Montana politics and broadcasting while working in the US Senate as a student at Howard University over 20 years ago. Following the 9-11 terror attacks, Aaron relocated to Montana and enlisted in the military, embarking on deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Currently, he continues to serve as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army Reserve. His initial foray into the news industry consisted of stuffing newspapers for his grandparents at the Glasgow Courier when he was a child. From working in television at Q2 News to his involvement in politics, and now hosting a statewide radio talk show for over a decade, Aaron takes pride in ensuring that Montanans have a platform to voice their opinions. His prior political roles include serving as a legislative aide to Senator Conrad Burns, acting as the communications director for the 2016 campaign of now-governor Greg Gianforte, and serving as the state director for Congressman Ryan Zinke.
Aaron Flint
This is Montana: Slower Traffic Keep Right…Oh Yeah- And Bears
A couple reminders as we enter peak tourist season: slower traffic keep right...oh yeah- and bears. By the way, The Big Sky Business Journal's Evelyn Pyburn tells us that we are expecting a record tourism year.
Can Montanans Pronounce These Ten Minnesota Town Names?
We were at dinner with some of our Scandinavian Montanan friends on Saturday night- which isn't that hard to do given the fact that there are so many Scandinavian Montanans with Minnesota ties.
Explosion Over Billings, Montana? Governor’s Response on Fox
A video was posted on Twitter around 5 p.m. Mountain Time purporting to show an "explosion in the sky" over Billings, Montana. The Twitter user reported hearing a jet before the explosion.
The Story Behind the China Spy Balloon Over Billings Montana
Larry Mayer is not only an incredible photographer who captured the above photo of the Chinese spy balloon over Billings, Montana- he's also a pilot who has great connections and insight when it comes to aviation in Montana.
Legendary Montana Distillery Featured in Coffee or Die Magazine
When they say "Montana is for badasses" this is one more reason why: Willie Blazer. An Army Ranger, a Green Beret, and an all around great guy who started Willie's Distillery in Ennis, Montana.
“Cycling Grandma” Supporting Special Ops Families on Montana’s Hi Line
If you're travelling the Hi Line along Montana's Highway 2 in the days ahead, make sure you give a honk and a wave to "the cycling grandmother" who is raising money to support the kids of fallen Special Operations service members.
Photos, Latest News from Elmo Fire Near Flathead Lake
The latest reports I'm seeing as of Sunday night are that the Elmo 2 Fire burning near Flathead Lake continues to grow. This as a Type II team has now been brought in to assist. Here's photos, video, and a first-hand report.
Daines, Gianforte Pledge Resources for Montana Flood Victims
By the way, the above photo was shared with us by a proud Montana Army National Guard mom from the Bozeman area. Andrea says her son was in the Blackhawk helicopter helping to rescue stranded flood victims in the Red Lodge area.
Dramatic Flood Footage: Yellowstone, Natural Bridge, House Rock & More
Could it be described as flooding of Biblical proportions? I don't know if you can go that far, but check out this video from flooding in Yellowstone National Park, to Natural Bridge, flooding down the streets of Red Lodge, House Rock being nearly overtaken on the Gallatin River, and a riverfront home on the brink of being washed down the river in Gardiner, Montana.
Flooding Monday, Near Triple Digits By Friday in Montana
Massive flooding on Monday, and triple digit temperatures by Friday. That is Montana weather for you. And, just a reminder: it is not even officially Summer yet. Here's a regional look from the National Weather Service.