Sarah Palin before her Missoula appearance last September

It takes a lot for me to be 'star-struck'...but I must admit, I was star-struck after I met Sarah Palin face to face when she appeared for Teen Challenge in Missoula. She was down to earth..genuinely friendly...and took the time to visit with every person in the room before her speech. Now I think I understand why some people and some groups hate her sooooo much!

She is a successful, articulate, kind and thoughtful person...who just happens to be a politician...and, of course, she's Conservative! And now, she's been at least partially blamed for the shootings in Tucson. Visit her Facebook page and listen to her will make you stand up and cheer! This woman doesn't take 'you-know-what' from anyone...and that's why I LOVE Sarah Palin!

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