You could win a Star Wars Millennium Falcon Quadcopter Drone, the Star Wars Original Trilogy on Blu-Ray, and many more prizes just by tuning into our live stream starting at 9:00 a.m. on December 10th!

We'll be watching the complete Star Wars Original Trilogy, back to back to back, only stopping to give away some huge Star Wars prizes. Watch us watch them on the stream, interact with us in the chat, and follow along as we live tweet all three movies @1075ZooFM!

See the full schedule of what we'll be watching when, and when we'll be giving away our biggest prizes, below! But that's not all: we'll be giving away bonus prizes at random times throughout the day. Either way: following along with the stream is your only way to win! And, may we suggest you brush up on your Star Wars trivia... it might come in handy.

allSTARWARSmovies one sheet

Prizes may be lightly used for promotional purposes. If you're a mint collector, maybe this isn't the place to get your goods. If you're a fan, though, you're all good!

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