Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On June 9, 2024, Missoula Police Department Officers responded to a report of a physical disturbance taking place at an apartment complex on West Broadway. Law enforcement was informed that one male was swinging a stick at residents. 

Upon arrival, the officer found a large group of individuals, including one male who was holding a large stick. Two individuals in the group began pointing the officer toward the male with the stick, who was later identified as 63-year-old Norman Pulliam.  

Pulliam began advancing towards the officer, while still holding the stick. The officer told Pulliam to drop the stick, but Pulliam did not comply. The officer displayed his taser at this time. Pulliam eventually complied and dropped the stick.  

Pulliam was placed under arrest and consented to a search of a tube found on his person. Within the cylindrical tube was a clear plastic bag of methamphetamine. According to court documents, Pulliam admitted to smoking methamphetamine the previous night and stated he had smoked the substance in the bag found by officers. 

Officers Speak to Witnesses 

An officer began identifying other individuals on the scene. One woman stated she observed Pulliam, whom she did not know, near an apartment. She observed Pulliam attempting to open the boarded-up windows of the apartment and she observed that he was carrying a stick. She stated she asked Pulliam to leave the property nicely two times, but he remained on the property.  

Then she observed Pulliam swinging the stick at her neighbors and estimated he was four feet away from them while doing so. Another resident saw Pulliam swinging a stick at her neighbors at a close distance. She said “he had intent,” and believed he was trying to hit her neighbors with the stick.  

An officer spoke with two other individuals involved in the disturbance. A female stated she was sitting inside her living room when she looked out the window and noticed Pulliam sitting in her front porch chair. She said Pulliam was spilling his drink all over her chair, pillow, and concrete just outside of her front door. She told Pulliam he was not allowed to be on her property and that he needed to leave immediately.  

READ MORE: Missoula News – Crime Reports 

Pulliam Swings Stick at Woman 

She said Pulliam became upset, began yelling at her, and started to swing his walking stick at her with both hands. She said Pulliam was aiming for her head. She stated she grabbed her golf club inside of her front door to defend herself and gave it to her male friend. The male said he attempted to swing the club at Pulliam in self-defense, however, the club snapped in half and he placed it in the back of a vehicle.  

An officer seized all weapons used in the incident, including the large walking stick, which was approximately 4 feet long and 2 and half inches wide in diameter. The officer noted the stick was heavy and large enough to cause serious bodily injury or even death if used against another. 

Pulliam was placed under arrest and was transported to the Missoula County Detention Facility. He is currently being charged with felony assault with a weapon and felony criminal possession of dangerous drugs. On June 11, 2024, Pulliam made his initial appearance in Missoula Justice Court and his bond was set at $15,000. 

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable. 

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