This will be my third year as a bowler for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Missoula County, Bowl For Kids Sake, because it is so much fun. Our team is set for the radio station including Jon King and Peter Christian from News Talk KGVO, Denny Bedard from KYSS FM, the famous Front Desk Debbie, and myself. We each have a fundraising goal of $200 each for a total of $1000, and I haven't been able to reach my goal ever. Last year I raised a little over $100, but this year I really want to reach the goal.

If you would like to help me with the fundraising please click here, and thank you for even thinking about donating. Obviously, the Bowl For Kids Sake is a great cause but let me share with you 5 reasons on why you should make a donation today.


  • 1

    It Will Make You Feel Good

    Plus if you need to get on to Santa's 'good list' this should help!
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    Help Missoula Area Youth

    It is so important for our youth to have good mentors.
  • 3

    Supporting Community

    Often times when you donate to Charity you don't know where the money is going. All of these proceeds will stay in Missoula County.
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    Takes Less Than 3 Minutes

    In just a few clicks of the mouse your donation will be processed and you can continue your busy day.
  • 5

    You Will Be Talked About On The Radio

    Everyone that makes a donation to my personal fundrasing goal will be thanked publically on the radio in Missoula!

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