10 New Felony Cases Handled by County Prosecutors This Week
Appearing on the KGVO Talk Back show on Friday, Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst said that her office had a bit of a lighter load than in previous weeks.
“We charged 10 new complains filing criminal offenses this week, and are probably filing an additional two more this afternoon,” began Pabst. “Three of those would fall into the violent crime category. There was a felony stalking where a subject was allegedly threatening a woman and her family. There was a robbery charges, as well as an assault which was a misdemeanor.”
Pabst went on to list more offenses handle by her staff this week.
“There were three endangerment crimes, two felony DUI’s, which as you know means a fourth or subsequent offense, a child endangerment case involving a woman who was allegedly drinking and got into an accident during a snowstorm, and it was discovered that she had a toddler in the car with her,” she said. “We had two meth cases and one involved an additional charge of obstructing when the subject allegedly provided a false name and one of the drug charges also included a theft charge.”
Pabst also said she received a pleasant surprise from colleagues in her profession.
“The National District Attorney’s Association, which as you know is the umbrella organization for prosecutors in the country, and they have invited me to come to their next board of director’s meeting to present to them about our Secondary Trauma Program,” she said. “We receive an award from NACO (National Association of Counties) and now they’re working towards the plan of implementing the Secondary Trauma Program into best practices nationwide.”
That presentation will take place in Austin, Texas later in the year.