
Newest Mensa Inductee Has 159 IQ and Is… 4 Years Old?
Newest Mensa Inductee Has 159 IQ and Is… 4 Years Old?
Newest Mensa Inductee Has 159 IQ and Is… 4 Years Old?
What were you doing when you were 4? If you were anything like us, you spent your days trying to keep up with the complex plots of ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.’ Four-year-old Heidi Hankins from Winchester, England, however, taught herself how to read at a rapid pace, complete basic arithmetic and even draw accurate pictures of people. Her latest IQ test gave her a score of 159.
Higher Education Needs Reform
Higher Education Needs Reform
Higher Education Needs Reform
The President would like the nation to "invest" in higher education, I think the system needs an overhaul if we want to keep the money from going to waste.
High School Students Play a Real Life ‘Hunger Games’
High School Students Play a Real Life ‘Hunger Games’
High School Students Play a Real Life ‘Hunger Games’
When the ‘Harry Potter‘ franchise was all the rage, some students brought the fictional game of Quidditch to life, even giving the sport a league of its own. With the impending release of the next big teen franchise, ‘The Hunger Games,’ a high school in Connecticut has created a real life version of the game — minus the ‘battle-to-your-death’ part. And would you believe it’s being hosted by the sc

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