Wolf trapping season got underway officially on Saturday, and only two have been caught so far, according to Ron Aasheim with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks.
Interest in wolf trapping in Montana has surprised officials at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Spokesman Ron Aasheim says over 1,700 requests for more information about wolf trapping certification courses have been received, and classes are overflowing.
Idaho wildlife managers are increasing bag limits, expanding trapping opportunities and extending the public hunting season in an attempt to bring down wolf populations across the state.
A southwestern Montana sportsman's group is hoping to encourage wolf hunting in the Bitterroot Valley by holding a drawing for a rifle from among the names of those who successfully bag a wolf in December.
Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association President Tony Jones says the drawing is an effort to get enough hunting pressure to fill quotas set for wolves in two areas where elk populati
Speaking with Ron Aasheim at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Tuesday afternoon, he revealed that the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals has denied an emergency request by three environmental groups to halt wolf hunts in Montana and Idaho. I spoke with Mr. Aasheim about wolves, elk and overall wildlife management. That interview is attached.