
Obama Wants Wealthy to Pay More Taxes[VIDEO]
Obama Wants Wealthy to Pay More Taxes[VIDEO]
Obama Wants Wealthy to Pay More Taxes[VIDEO]
President Obama proposed a range of policy initiatives during his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, including a call for Congress to shift a heavier tax burden onto the very wealthiest earners and provide financial incentives to domestic manufacturers and energy producers.
Talk Back: Populism and Taxes
Not too long ago, Obama was pushing tax increases for those making over 250,000. Now he's had a change of heart. If you make $999,999.00 or less he doesn't want to touch your money. If you make a dollar more than that, however, you'll be responsible for paying for the next "stimulus" known as the American Jobs Act...
The Montana Department of Revenue Is Offering Help With Your Taxes
The Montana Department of Revenue Is Offering Help With Your Taxes
The Montana Department of Revenue Is Offering Help With Your Taxes
The State income tax filing deadline is April 18th , 3 days after the normal filing deadline. The observance of Emancipation Day  in Washington D.C. is why. Forecasts for revenue in the state have differed between the administrative and legislative branches of Montana government...