
Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat
Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat
Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat
I really try not to complain about the heat — after all, I spend most of the year complaining about the cold — but when it comes to catching some Z’s, the 90-plus-degree days we’ve been having in Missoula are really starting to get to me ...
Blazing a Trail in the Rattlesnake? Bring Your Bug Spray!
Blazing a Trail in the Rattlesnake? Bring Your Bug Spray!
Blazing a Trail in the Rattlesnake? Bring Your Bug Spray!
I love spending time outdoors during the summer months, but I do not love all of the multi-legged creatures that make their home in the forest — especially the ones that bite. A few days ago, I set out on a nice, long run from the main trailhead in the Rattlesnake Wilderness Area ...
Are Fair Rides Safe in Montana?
Are Fair Rides Safe in Montana?
Are Fair Rides Safe in Montana?
It’s fair season in Montana, and that means folks across the state are gearing up for a days-long overload of carnival games, fried food and, of course, rides.
Summer – The Best Season in Montana
Summer – The Best Season in Montana
Summer – The Best Season in Montana
When I was a kid, I always dreaded seeing the first “Back to School” ad on TV. It reminded me that summertime wouldn’t last forever — that eventually, my days of swimming, bike-riding and playing with my friends would be replaced by homework, quizzes and tests ...
Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer in Missoula
Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer in Missoula
Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer in Missoula
This time of year I am thankful that I live near water. Every summer when the thermostat reaches 90 degrees, my boys and I head straight for the creek near our house and we don’t leave until fall appears. I know not everyone is lucky enough to live near water, or has time to drive to the local swimming hole for a dip every day. So, ...

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