
Colorado Theater Shooting Survivor Sees ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ at Different Theater the Very Next Day
Colorado Theater Shooting Survivor Sees ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ at Different Theater the Very Next Day
Colorado Theater Shooting Survivor Sees ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ at Different Theater the Very Next Day
Sometimes in the wake of a tragic event, the only thing a person can do is just throw caution to the wind and continue to live life. That is exactly what 16-year-old Justin Davis did – after less than a day since narrowly escaping the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting, the hardcore Batman fanatic got himself back in front of the big screen at another Colorado theater to finish ‘The Dark Knight Ris
Misdiagnosing a Tragedy
Misdiagnosing a Tragedy
Misdiagnosing a Tragedy
The media and politicians will continue to offer up answers as to why the Aurora shootings took place. As history has shown, most of those answers will be wrong.
Does the Colorado Theater Shooting Affect Your View on Gun Control? – Survey of the Day
Does the Colorado Theater Shooting Affect Your View on Gun Control? – Survey of the Day
Does the Colorado Theater Shooting Affect Your View on Gun Control? – Survey of the Day
Gun control has always been a major issue of debate in America — right up alongside the more recently heated topics of abortion, same-sex marriage and health care — but the tragic shooting of 71 people during a Colorado theater’s showing of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ has given this controversy a brand new spotlight.

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