The Montana Department of Revenue is reporting that the amount of money coming into the state from bed taxes is at an all-time high.
"Every year for the past five years, we've seen a higher number of collections, and I think that aligns with our continued increase in tourism in Montana," said Montana Department of Revenue Spokeswoman Mary Ann Dunwell...
In addition to providing new soccer, lacrosse, rugby and softball fields to western Montanans, the new Fort Missoula Regional Park will also bring much anticipated revenue from all over the state and region.
Ads by the Steve Bullock for Governor Campaign continue tout Bullock’s ability to balance the state budget and claim the Governor has managed to leave the state with a $300 million rainy day fund, but the numbers can vary wildly depending on who is doing the counting.
Montana Legislative Services Fiscal Analyst Stephanie Morrison has been studying the major sources of revenue for the state of Montana during the past fiscal year and says one source stood out significantly.