Governor Greg Gianforte sent a letter to leaders of the state legislature on Tuesday ‘to reiterate my position on calling a special session of the Montana Legislature’.
District One Public Service Commissioner Randy Pinocci appeared on the KGVO Talk Back show on Thursday to discuss several issues, starting with a proposal to replace Montana’s electrical power lines to save energy and millions of dollars for ratepayers.
After the recent severe cold snap in Montana and the total breakdown of the power grid in Texas, KGVO reached out to Jennifer Fielder, the recently elected Public Service Commissioner for Region 4, which contains Missoula County, for answers to power supply questions.
KGVO News received a report this week that Public Service Commissioner Roger Koopman has filed a lawsuit for $2.25 million with the State of Montana Department of Administration and the Public Service Commission.
District Three Public Service Commissioner Roger Koopman blasted the organization he was elected to over eight years ago on the Friday Talk Back show as being politically motivated instead of serving the people of Montana.
Public Service Commissioner Roger Koopman blasts Chairman Brad Johnson for issuing a 'false press release' about Northwestern Energy's rate hike hearing.
Public Service Commissioner Roger Koopman was incensed this week when the commission issued a press release issued by Commission Chairman Brad Johnson that Koopman said was filled with ‘trite political rhetoric and absolute falsehoods.
On Friday’s Talk Back show on Newstalk KGVO, Democrat Public Service Commissioner candidate Monica Tranel, one of three Democrats running to oust Republican incumbent Bob Lake.