
Barack and Michelle Obama Reveal Their First Date
Barack and Michelle Obama Reveal Their First Date
Barack and Michelle Obama Reveal Their First Date
The Obama campaign has been catching grief lately for suggesting that wedding guests donate money to his 2012 presidential run in lieu of more traditional gifts. However, their latest campaign gambit to combine love and politics is likely to be a bit better received.
Hillary Clinton Wears Crazy Sunglasses and Mardi Gras Beads, Is Cooler Than You
Hillary Clinton Wears Crazy Sunglasses and Mardi Gras Beads, Is Cooler Than You
Hillary Clinton Wears Crazy Sunglasses and Mardi Gras Beads, Is Cooler Than You
Much was made of Hillary Clinton’s hard-partying stop in Columbia back in April. And now, the Secretary of State continues with her fun-loving ways by donning crazy sunglasses, novelty rings and mardi gras beads during a swearing in ceremony for Secretary for Public Affairs Michael Hammer. Think Bubba approves of his wife’s wild behavior? (We bet he does.)
Judge Asked to Dismiss Campaign Contribution Claim
Judge Asked to Dismiss Campaign Contribution Claim
Judge Asked to Dismiss Campaign Contribution Claim
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Montana attorney general's fight with the conservative group American Tradition Partnership over campaign finance laws has taken another turn. The attorney general's office asked a federal judge Wednesday to throw out the remaining claims in a federal lawsuit that has so far gone against the state...
Senate Debate Cancelled Due to Rehberg No-Show
Senate Debate Cancelled Due to Rehberg No-Show
Senate Debate Cancelled Due to Rehberg No-Show
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Broadcasters Association is cancelling a U.S. Senate race debate scheduled for Sunday morning in Whitefish. The organization is citing "scheduling complications" that prevented Republican U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg from attending...

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