Montana Attorney General Names New Highway Patrol ColonelMontana Attorney General Names New Highway Patrol ColonelSager was lieutenant colonel with 21 years of service to the agency and people of Montana. Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Feds Will Not Reduce Hours at Saskatchewan Border StationFeds Will Not Reduce Hours at Saskatchewan Border StationFederal authorities are postponing a plan that would reduce hours at a 14-hour border crossing with Saskatchewan.Associated PressAssociated Press
Number of Montana Roadway Fatalities on the Decline, Lack of Seatbelt Use DisturbingNumber of Montana Roadway Fatalities on the Decline, Lack of Seatbelt Use DisturbingThere’s good news from the Montana Highway Patrol. As 2015 nears the half-year mark, it's hard not to be optimistic about the roadway fatality trends.Jon KingJon King