
Which Professions Drink the Most Coffee?
Which Professions Drink the Most Coffee?
Which Professions Drink the Most Coffee?
Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning — but depending on your job, you may be more likely keep a pot brewing all day long. In a survey of almost 5,000 US workers, Dunkin’ Donuts and CareerBuilder found our professions, age, and even the region in which we live can influence how much java we drink every day.
Can Exercise Eliminate Depression?
Can Exercise Eliminate Depression?
Can Exercise Eliminate Depression?
We all know working out is good for our bodies — but did you know it’s good for our emotions, too? New research shows exercise may very well be an effective treatment for depression, especially among those with heart problems.
Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Much ink has been spilled about studies detailing the health risks associated with being overweight. And while there is no doubt that severe obesity can lead to a litany of medical problems, a new study suggests that moderately overweight people are still pretty healthy. So, what’s the skinny on this phenomenon?
How Much Weight Do Ex-Smokers Put On After Quitting?
How Much Weight Do Ex-Smokers Put On After Quitting?
How Much Weight Do Ex-Smokers Put On After Quitting?
Since nicotine is an appetite suppressant and a stimulant, a fear of weight gain is one reason many smokers cite for refusing to quit. And a new report stating ex-smokers pack on more pounds than previously thought probably won’t help matters any — but all may not be as it seems.

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