
Meningitis Recall Hits Montana
Meningitis Recall Hits Montana
Meningitis Recall Hits Montana
This morning, October 17, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services released the following recall notice for ALL products from the New England Compounding Center, which is the assumed source of the nation-wide meningitis outbreak: The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS), public health agencies and private clinics in Montana are supporting the Food and Drug Admin
How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When It’s Hot Outside
How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When It’s Hot Outside
How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When It’s Hot Outside
After suffering through subfreezing temperatures all winter, it might sound silly to complain about hot weather. But just as “it’s too cold” is a common excuse to scrimp on exercise during the winter months, “it’s too hot” is a go-to reason to forgo a workout during the few months that it is actually warm in Montana ...
Is Modern Technology Making Us Fat?
Is Modern Technology Making Us Fat?
Is Modern Technology Making Us Fat?
It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle promotes obesity, but a new study by the Milken Institute in California confirms the negative impact of TVs and computers while adding a frightening statistic — for every 10 percent increase a country spends on technology, that country’s obesity rate climbs.
Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat
Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat
Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat
I really try not to complain about the heat — after all, I spend most of the year complaining about the cold — but when it comes to catching some Z’s, the 90-plus-degree days we’ve been having in Missoula are really starting to get to me ...
New Research Reveals That Taller People More Likely to Die of Cancer
New Research Reveals That Taller People More Likely to Die of Cancer
New Research Reveals That Taller People More Likely to Die of Cancer
Some promising new research has surfaced that indicates that tall people are less likely to suffer strokes, psychotic breakdowns or die from heart disease than the shorter of the breed. However, the same research says that these same vertically-endowed humans are doomed at best, to die of cancer.
What Are the World’s Healthiest Countries?
What Are the World’s Healthiest Countries?
What Are the World’s Healthiest Countries?
Earlier this month, we were astonished to learn what countries were the laziest in the world. So, it stands to reason that in order to put the scope of the worldwide condition into perspective it is now necessary to identify the world’s healthiest countries.
Do Women Need Chocolate?
Do Women Need Chocolate?
Do Women Need Chocolate?
A new study found that if you’re craving chocolate around that time of the month, then it’s all in your head, according to a study conducted by Louisiana State University. The students there studied women in different stages of their menstrual cycles and found that the women were no more likely to crave chocolate – or eat more of it -  during the days leading up to their period, than they were

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