
5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Photo courtesy of Vincent/Flickr It is hard this time of year not to get the winter blues. I have lived in Missoula almost my entire life, so I can attest to how rare it is to see the sun in the winter. This one seems to be the exception to that rule ...
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
While the United States takes measures such as abstinence initiatives, sexual education and sometimes criticizing Bristol Palin as a scare tactic to prevent teenage pregnancy, some schools in the UK are taking a much more direct route. A report from the British National Health Service announced that many girls were given long-term contraceptives at school.
Is Obesity Contagious?
Is Obesity Contagious?
Is Obesity Contagious?
Recent studies have shown we tend to eat more when the people around us do. But new research with mice takes that one further, revealing obesity may actually be contagious.
Medical Debt Is On the Rise
Medical Debt Is On the Rise
Medical Debt Is On the Rise
Due to one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression, hundreds of thousands of Californians lost their jobs, along with the health plans that came with those jobs, according to a new report from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

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