
Will Men Soon Outlive Women?
Will Men Soon Outlive Women?
Will Men Soon Outlive Women?
Women living longer than men is a fact that has always been a card females can play in any battle of the sexes. But it looks like their long time longevity advantage may soon be a thing of the past.
What Disease Could Be Making a Surprise Comeback?
What Disease Could Be Making a Surprise Comeback?
What Disease Could Be Making a Surprise Comeback?
Thought to be eliminated in the US since 2000, the number of measles cases spiked last year to 222, the highest number in 15 years. Not surprisingly, the majority of those affected did not receive the measles vaccine, said a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
4 Simple Home Remedies
4 Simple Home Remedies
4 Simple Home Remedies
As a mom, I care about what goes into my children bodies. I hate when my kids are sick and like to do whatever I can to make them feel better, but I am weary of all the medications that are on the market today. If at all possible, I prefer to use natural alternatives to cure what is ailing my little ones ...
Have Higher Cigarette Taxes Driven People to Smoke Pipes and Cigars? — Dollars and Sense
Have Higher Cigarette Taxes Driven People to Smoke Pipes and Cigars? — Dollars and Sense
Have Higher Cigarette Taxes Driven People to Smoke Pipes and Cigars? — Dollars and Sense
Three years ago, a federal act meant to help reduce the number of people who smoke greatly increased the tax rates for cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, and small cigars, counting on the fact that making smoking more expensive would prompt people to quit. And while it may have caused some to do so, the move had an unintended effect: sales of pipe tobacco and large cigars, which aren’t taxed quite
Are Older Adults the New Face of Addiction?
Are Older Adults the New Face of Addiction?
Are Older Adults the New Face of Addiction?
One generally associates the onset of drug and alcohol addiction with the recklessness of youth. However, two new studies are challenging those assumptions, with findings suggesting that older folks are also quite susceptible to addiction’s trap.

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