
Obama Plays Defense on Energy Policy
Obama Plays Defense on Energy Policy
Obama Plays Defense on Energy Policy
On Tuesday, the U.S. Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu publicly backtracked on his prior opinion that domestic gas prices need to rise to European levels. This same week, Obama spoke out against his Republican opponents for their "flat-earth" mentality on energy. The focus on energy this week is driven by gas prices that not only hurt the wallet, they hurt Obama's re-election chances.
Will Uninsured Drivers Still Be Able to Buy Gas?
Will Uninsured Drivers Still Be Able to Buy Gas?
Will Uninsured Drivers Still Be Able to Buy Gas?
Uninsured driving is a serious matter in the eyes of the government, but perhaps none more so than for UK officials. In fact, some government authorities from across the pond would like to prohibit gas stations from letting those people fill up their tanks.

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