
Can a Pair of Glasses Trick You Into Eating Less? [VIDEO]
Can a Pair of Glasses Trick You Into Eating Less? [VIDEO]
Can a Pair of Glasses Trick You Into Eating Less? [VIDEO]
For years, many diet experts have advised using smaller plates for our food. By doing so, normal portions look bigger and thus fool us into thinking we’ve eaten more than we have. Now a group of Japanese researchers have taken that idea one further — they’ve created goggles that make food look larger.
Livestock Board Keeps Milk Freshness Rule
Livestock Board Keeps Milk Freshness Rule
Livestock Board Keeps Milk Freshness Rule
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Board of Livestock has voted unanimously to continue its requirement that milk sold In Montana be marked with a "sell-by" date no more than 12 days after it was pasteurized. Lee Newspapers of Montana reports Wednesday's decision went against a hearing examiner's finding that there was no health reason for the12-day "sell-by" date...
The KFC Cookbook Can Now Be Yours
The KFC Cookbook Can Now Be Yours
The KFC Cookbook Can Now Be Yours
Although it won’t share KFC’s closely-guarded (and tasty) blend of spices, an upcoming autobiography released by the fast food restaurant will give us a glimpse into the life of Colonel Sanders and offer a ton of awesome recipes. Best of all, it’s totally free.
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Do remember Makin’ Whoopie Pie? You could buy that Ben & Jerry’s flavor, which was chocolate ice cream augmented by marshmallows and devil’s food cooks, 10 years ago. Unfortunately, the concoction didn’t prove popular enough and the Vermont-based ice cream makers laid Makin’ Whoopie Pie to rest in 2003. Literally.

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