Plans for New South Avenue Bridge to be Revealed SoonPlans for New South Avenue Bridge to be Revealed SoonThis week, Missoulians will get their first glimpse at plans for the new South Avenue Bridge, which is expected to replace the old Maclay Bridge over the Bitterroot River. Jon KingJon King
Big Sky High School Helps Habitat For Humanity Design 50th HomeBig Sky High School Helps Habitat For Humanity Design 50th HomeHabitat For Humanity will break ground on their 50th home tonight with the help of an architectural design class at Big Sky High School.Jon KingJon King
Public Meeting on Replacing Maclay Bridge with Harper’s Bridge on South Avenue Set for TuesdayPublic Meeting on Replacing Maclay Bridge with Harper’s Bridge on South Avenue Set for TuesdayTuesday evening marks the first public meeting for the Harpers Bridge, also known as the South Avenue Bridge, and its design.Sarah YovetichSarah Yovetich
Study on Nine Worst-Designed Cities in the World Names Montana TownStudy on Nine Worst-Designed Cities in the World Names Montana TownYou don't need to travel far to see one of the nine worst-designed cities in the world.Sarah YovetichSarah Yovetich