City Attorney and Quentin Rhoades on Parks and Rec Opinion
City Attorney and Quentin Rhoades on Parks and Rec Opinion
City Attorney and Quentin Rhoades on Parks and Rec Opinion
‘City Parks and Recreation staff may prohibit individuals with a current COVID 19 positive status, or a current COVID 19 close contact status from currently participating in city parks and recreation programs while the individual is in such a status. Individuals do not have any right to spread or potentially spread a communicable disease’
Incident Commander Cindy Farr with COVID 19 Update
Incident Commander Cindy Farr with COVID 19 Update
Incident Commander Cindy Farr with COVID 19 Update
Missoula City County Health Department COVID 19 Incident Commander Cindy Farr provided the most recent update on infection and hospitalization numbers in a You Tube video on Friday afternoon, just after a major press conference dealing with the overall situation in Missoula.

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