On Friday, Missoula Chamber of Commerce Director of Governmental Affairs Clint Burson and Membership Director Mark Losh made their monthly visit on the KGVO Talk Back Program.
For the holidays, the Missoula Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with the University of Montana to promote the ‘Heart of a Grizzly’ campaign, encouraging Missoula residents to shop local for the holidays.
Chamber of Commerce leaders were guests on the KGVO Talk Back show on Friday and spoke of fostering communication with the Missoula City County Health Department about the mandatory masking policy
At the State of Missoula event this week, the discussion of local taxes was conducted by Patrick Barkey, Director of the University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research.
A single dollar spent at a locally owned business will result in five times that amount of economic activity through increased wages and the purchase of goods and services by that business.