
20k Support Unwed Butte Central Teacher
20k Support Unwed Butte Central Teacher
20k Support Unwed Butte Central Teacher
A christian group, 'Faithful America,' has been gathering thousands of signatures to bring to the Diocese of Helena. They will urge the Bishop tomorrow to rehire the pregnant teacher who was fired for having a baby out of wedlock from Butte Central elementary school.
Thieves Take Copper Wire From Asphalt Plant
Thieves Take Copper Wire From Asphalt Plant
Thieves Take Copper Wire From Asphalt Plant
ANACONDA, Mont. (AP) — Law enforcement officers in Butte and Anaconda are investigated the reported theft of several hundred pounds of copper wire from an asphalt plant near Fairmont Hot Springs for the second time in three months. A spokesman with Gilman Construction tells the Montana Standard reports the thieves are believed to have taken the wire last week...

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