Southgate Mall Continues Remodel With Delay In Theater Opening
Southgate Mall's multi-million dollar remodel continues with road and parking lot construction, and a delay in opening the new AMC nine-screen theater complex.
General Manager Tim Winger said the delay is due to the changeover in ownership from Carmike to AMC Theaters.
“We’re expecting a first-quarter closing, but we have experienced a delay,” Winger said. “That happened primarily with the transaction from Carmike to AMC. AMC does things a little bit differently, they’ve upgraded some things inside the theaters, this we call FFE’s, that’s fixtures, furniture and equipment and sometimes they’re long order items. That put us in a little bit of a delay, we thought we’d be opening a little earlier, but we’ll definitely see the opening in the first quarter of 2018.”
Winger said the new Lucky’s store is currently in the building stage.
“The contractor for Lucky’s is here and they’re a couple of weeks in, and we’re looking for a March 2018 opening, so between the construction on Mary Avenue and the parking lot, we’re trying to get the paving done before the asphalt plant shuts down for the winter.”
Winger would not say which other businesses besides the new theater complex and Lucky’s Market might be in Southgate Mall’s future, saying those decisions are ‘lease and deal driven.’