Senator Steve Daines on Montana Energy and Washington State Attack on Colstrip
Montana Senator Steve Daines took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to tout Montana's homegrown energy portfolio and the benefit to Montana's economy.
"Mr. President, made-in-Montana energy means good Montana jobs that on-average pay two to three times more than the state average," Daines said. "In fact, Montana's ability to create good paying energy jobs is immense. Our state leads the way in recoverable coal deposits We're the nation's fifth largest producer of hydro power with 23 hydroelectric dams across our great state, and we're fifth in wind energy potential."
Daines said President Obama's policies through the EPA are killing Montana's energy industry.
"I've got to say that I couldn't agree more with what Chairman Darren Old Coyote, chairman of the Crow Tribe said at the Montana Energy Summit just last week. He said 'All of Montana citizens need to work together for a better tomorrow. Renewable energy, fossil energy, conventional energy, Indian or non-Indian, regardless of affiliation, Republican or Democrat. Montanans can find better solution than Washington, D.C, bureaucrats."
Senator Daines also sent along a message to Washington Governor Jay Inslee in response to his signature on a bill that would pave the way for the eventual shutdown of two coal-fired electricity units at Colstrip.
"If Governor Inslee saw the devastating impact that this legislation will have on hard-working Montana families, he would not have signed it," Daines said. "The reality is, his signature paves the way for the eventual closure of two units at Colstrip, putting Montanans out of jobs and raising energy costs for Montana families. It's time to redouble our efforts and work together as Montanans."
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