Senator Max Baucus Comments on Senate Vote to End Shutdown
After 16 days of shutdown, the U.S. Senate has voted to pass a bill that would reopen the federal government to full operation and avoid a fiscal cliff default for a few more months.
After voting to pass the measure, Montana Senior Senator Max Baucus released the following statement:
“This deal is long overdue, and I am eager to see it signed into law, so our parks and public lands can reopen, our 12,000 Montana federal employees can get back to work, and Congress can focus on things that create jobs, like the Farm Bill,” Baucus said. “This shutdown never should have happened. Fighting in Washington is worse than I’ve ever seen it, and folks at home are getting hurt. Enough is enough. Montanans deserve better. Working families and small businesses can’t afford to go through this same fight all over again in a couple months. Congress needs to remember who we work for and start putting people ahead of politics.”